
  • General

    On Writing

    A writer who is intimidated by writing,who feels himself going mad because he cannot focus or get into a groove or get comfortably submerged beneath his work, be it fiction, essays, commentary, magazine features, love letters or short stories. The tormented writer wants all of these things. He wants to be immersed beneath his creations but is so intimidated by what does not yet exist. He wants to be into it but fears finding his starting place. He has too many ideas and scattered thoughts to sculpt in a specific direction. He wanders restlessly not knowing where to go, what to do. He both loves and hates his gift, but…

  • General

    What Lies Beneath

    To think that some of the greatest works of art in human history are not encased in museums and galleries but deep beneath cities, on the walls of abandoned subway stations. The ruins of mankind are exceptionally beautiful.   (photo taken on September 14, 2013 beneath the downtown city of Rochester, New York. The underground subway operated between 1927-1956 before it was abandoned and left to decay)

  • General,  Stories

    Summer’s Lease Hath All Too Short a Date

    Sprawled out on a blanket, a mid-September’s dusk settles over the beach. My feet dig beneath the fluffy, cool white sand while a still warm ocean froths and lapses against the shore. The wind in your strawberry blonde hair covers your large blue eyes but I can see you smile, you beautiful pink lips coated with invisible kisses I smothered you with all Summer. You were the best thing to ever happen to me, hands down. We met before the season officially started, introduced at a crowded party one evening along the bay. From the moment I caught glimpse of you I thought you angelic, standing out among everyone else…